
Welcome to the contact page of Reflect3D. I'm genuinely excited to connect with you and delve into any queries you might have about this immersive 3D experience I've been passionately working on.

Kindly fill out the form below with your name, email, and a brief message detailing your interest or questions. I'll make it a priority to get back to you promptly.

If the idea of experiencing Reflect3D firsthand intrigues you, I'm in the process of organizing a few intimate demos in the Los Angeles area once the prototype is complete. I'll be offering a limited number of spots to those genuinely enthusiastic about the potential of this immersive 3D technology. If attending one of these demos appeals to you, please mention it in the message section of the contact form, and I'll ensure you receive more details.

Your interest means a lot, and I'd love to hear from you.

Warm regards,
Erik Malkemus